Wedding Wishes The Best Way To Congratulate On The Wedding Day
Wedding it is a Big Day not only for newlyweds, but also for relatives, guests who come to congratulate the couple. How to congratulate the newlyweds to remember their words and swept through their family life? How to congratulate the newlyweds not just warm words and poems, but also parting words, what to write ? We have an answer in this article. Remember that sometimes it’s not the learned dry words that are important, but the congratulatory words “from the heart”.
Wedding wishes: how to start?
Before congratulating the newlyweds, in order to be able to concisely articulate their thoughts, it is better to write congratulation on paper and then learn, because only congratulations from the heart can cause tears of delight and happiness. If you are a creative person, it is best to congratulate the newlyweds in a poetic form, while telling interesting scenes from the life of the newlyweds.
Making an Outline of Wedding greetings
For making your congratulation personal and spiritual, try to remember the story connected with newlyweds. It can be funny, but definitely kind and positive. If you know both newlyweds well, remember the case from their lives that you have witnessed. Summarize the story in the form of spiritual wishes for the future family life.
What to say at the wedding greeting?
Wedding flurry can be so tiring for the bride and groom that your congratulations can drown in the general background of standard wishes and banal words. Try to make it original, and your greeting will be certainly appreciated. Further, you can familiarize with several examples of interesting wedding congratulations.
Traditional Formal Wedding Wishes
Today you became a family! You are bound by one fate. May God always keep your home! Love and peace may rule in it. Let all sorrows pass over you. Everything will come true, what you dreamed of. Save love through life in each other hearts!
Your wedding is just a miracle. Laugh, smile, joy everywhere! And champagne comes like a river, and gifts come like a mountain! I wish you to live friendly family, to be an example for all around. Let your house be a full bowl with a happiness. Let good luck find you. And love will bring you amazing children!
Religious Wedding Wishes
Oh Lord Jesus, bless their every step and every moment, in the name of truth and holy love, You only One for glorification. And I also want to wish you newlyweds: let not sorrow touch your heart. That all who knows you may say – this is truly a Christian family!
The bride is a symbol of holiness and purity! Here is a snow-white dress flowing. Heavenly face, covered in veils lace. And the lashes are modestly down. The bride is youth, beauty, hope, joy, fortunately, there is no limit. She is your old dream. Keep her like the precious treasure.
Marriage Greetings For A Friend
I wish sincere love today for the bride and groom. I wish you do not offend each other, do not waste your feelings! Do not let strangers in your life. I wish you to have a house full of childish laughter. Always love each other!
Guys! Today you have done the most important surest step in life. You have created an excellent family! May your marriage be strong. Succeed to proudly carry through the years that shine in the eyes, which is now. You are in love, clean, beautiful, young, we sincerely bless you.
Wedding Sayings For Brother Or Sister
My beloved sister! I sincerely congratulate you! I lift the champagne glass
for your strong family! Live happily, respect each other. And if there are difficulties on the way – overcome them together. Let the children’s laughter fill your house. Let the wealth be in it!
My dear brother! Our dearest couple! How are you, my dear brother, look beautiful with your young bride! On the day of your wonderful wedding, I can not hold back tears. These tears come from happiness, from a sincere soul. I wish you to live a good life with where the light of love rules!
Marriage Congratulations From Parents
I really want to wish you on the wedding day always joke with each other and never fight. I wish you the money bag was able to rake. I wish you in your house you have happiness beat the key. Let the husband for the wife was a reliable shoulder. I want to wish you healthy children. Family happiness, love, and caress to you. Make your life a happy fairy tale.
I wish you love you and happiness. From now you are close relatives. And in your house let your hearth not smolder. To admire each other more often. I wish you all life benefits: wealth, fun, wealth, kids, great good. I wish you to have a beautiful home by the sea, family comfort and, of course, warmth!